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7 Amazing Brain Foods

Eating the right foods will help you boost your brain power in several ways. Here are 7 of my favorite brain foods, I eat them on a regular basis for their powerful benefits. Remember to always try and eat organic foods whenever possible to avoid the harmful pesticides.

1. Walnuts

Walnuts are a great and easy snack on the go, in between meals or late at night. They help curb your appetite so you are not reaching for the unhealty snacks. Walnuts

contain Omega 3 fatty acids which are vital for healthy neurons and brain function. They help boost memory and concentration. Walnuts are a good source of protein and they also contain Magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate and B vitamins. According to research led by Dr. Lenore Arab, at the University of California, Los Angeles, "Eating a handful of walnuts a day can improve brain health. "

2. Blueberries

Eating blueberries by themselves, on a salad or a in a

delicious smoothie will help protect your cells.

According to research these berries are extremely

high in antioxidants thus helping protect the cells against damage,

inflammation premature aging and disease.

They contain vitamins A and C, Potassium

and Manganese Blueberries also have

flavonoids that enhance memory and cognitive ability.

3. Eggs

Eggs are rich in choline which is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Choline helps improve memory, concentration and cognitive functions. A study done at Boston University School of Medicine found that people who ate a lot of eggs had lower rates of dementia as they aged. Eggs are also rich in Vitamin B12,

Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin D which are necessary for proper brain fucntion.

4. Strawberries

Strawberries not only taste delicious but research shows that strawberries help improve cognitive function such as memory and focus. They also contain antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties known to prevent different forms of cancer such as breast and colon cancer.

5. Almonds

Almonds are wonderful for memory and brain function. Scientific studies have shown that almonds contain nutrients such as riboflavin and L-carnitine which boost brain function.

6. Avocados

Avocados contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats which have been found to help protect nerve cells in the brain. Healthy fats are also a necessary nutrient needed for healthy neurons.

7. Cashews

Cashews are rich in magnesium, they help with concentration and memory

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