Nancy has been a gift and a huge blessing to our family. Her work is thorough, deep and multilevel. She has been completely invested in helping our kids show up in their live with positivity, respect, mental sharpness and to be their very best selves, honoring God in all they do, I really have not had that experience with any other therapist, and we have had many!! Nancy works in effective and unconventional ways to support both my kids and myself as a mom. To be clear, we have had support from speech therapists, occupational therapists, ABA therapy, IEP support teams, counseling and medical support. None of these interventions has made the big differences in the girls that we have seen from our time with Nancy. These are cognitive, social-emotional, and behavioral changes that other family members, friends, therapists, teachers and even the headmaster at school have noticed and commented on. It can be hard growing and making these changes but Nancy helps the kidfs move through blocks and ultimately walk down pathways to success. Nancy connects beautifully with the kids and they enjoy seeing her and doing the work. For our family, working with Nancy has been transformational.
Dana G.
My experience with Zion Brain Training for my son has been nothing short of incredible. Before starting the program, my son struggled with focus, attention and retaining information in school. As a parent, it was heartbreaking to see him fall behind and feel frustrated with his own abilities. That’s when I decided to reach out to Nancy for her services. After a few weeks of my son starting the program, I started witnessing small transformations in my son. His ability to concentrate has improved significantly, allowing him to engage more fully in his schoolwork. Not only that, but his confidence has soared as he experiences success and progress in his cognitive abilities. Teachers have also noticed the difference, commenting on his increased participation and understanding in class. I wholeheartedly recommend Zion Brain Training to any parent looking to help their child thrive academically, socially and emotionally.
Erica Z.
At first underestimated what this program could help me with. Before starting, I struggled with focusing and memory, making everyday feel hard. At first, I thought that is was a waste of time, thinking that nothing would change. But, after a few weeks, I started to notice that I was improving in school and at home.
As time went by I started to feel more confident in school and myself. The way Nancy taught me to work on my cognitive skills really changed the way I processed things. I would totally recommend this program to improve your cognitive development and mental sharpness.
Juan M.(15yrs)
Our son struggled with behavioral and academic issues, which we noticed a few years ago. Hoping he would outgrow some of his problems we noticed it was getting worse. His 5th grade math teacher noticed he was having trouble retaining information -short term memory- he was struggling with simple problems; so she referred us to Nancy!
Within weeks we did noticed a change in his behavior. Instead of asking him to do a task 3-4times, he would listen after 2-3 times or even after asking him once! At first, he felt challenged and resisted to seeing Nancy, but now the sessions are over and he has told us, “ I’m going to miss her.” She not only helped him with Cognitive and memory skills, she taught him life principles about honoring, respecting and working hard. It was like having a life coach. She really listened to us, our concerns and made herself available to talk whenever possible, which we really appreciated. With her help in working together we saw significant changes in our 11 year old. He even told us he’d like to continue in the summer - which shows us he now has a love and interest for learning; there has been a positive change. Thank you Nancy!! You really did make an impact!
Amrit G.
Our experience at Zion Brain Training Center has been nothing but positive and meaningful! Nancy is an outstanding trainer/therapist who relates to her students/clients positively and builds relationships with them almost immediately. My daughter was very excited to start the program with Nancy and truly benefited from the training. She has learned some very useful strategies to strengthen her memory as well as strengthen her processing skills. These improvements are helping her in school and have improved her self esteem more importantly. My only regret is not looking into this program earlier. My daughter has grown emotionally as well. I am thankful for Nancy and what she has done for my daughter!
Linda D. (Educator)
I would recommend Zion Brain Training. Before Zion I struggled with my memory and comprehension skills. I had trouble remembering to do things and remembering things for tests. Now after Zion Brain Training, I have an easier time remembering to do things. I have gotten much better grades in school. I went from having mostly B's and C's to almost all A's. I am consistently getting high test scores. I have been able to work more diligently, while also having a better understanding of what I am learning. My focus is stronger, I am now able block out most things while I am working. Again, I recommend this program if your child has any issues similar to those that I have mentioned. Thank You!
Josh P. (17 yrs. old)
Prior to Zion Brain Training, Henry forgot school assignments and came home with no retention of school instruction. His homework took hours to complete and he often ended up crying and became anxious. He began to doubt his abilities and his first reaction was “I can’t.” He started thinking of himself as not “smart.” I do not think we have seen the full extend of the Zion Brain Training benefit. However, after about 7 weeks of training we started noticing major differences in Henry’s approach to learning.
Homework takes less time, and he no longer lacks confidence in his learning skills. His grades have improved and he found a new joy in learning. He comes home from school knowing what was spoken in class. He keeps a school calendar and his work is an example in the classroom. We look forward to seeing even bigger growth and improvement now when the program is complete. We all love his new “Zion Brain!”
Thank you, Nancy for all your hard work and encouraging words!
Update, 2 weeks later: "...Henry has been doing GREAT! He is getting great grades, had all A's and B's on his report card and is overall just a different student. I want to cry from joy every time we study."
Dr. Barbora B.
Updated Testimonial on Former Student!
Hi Nancy!
I just wanted to send you a quick email to thank you once again for all your help many years ago and to give you a quick update on Devin. He is now a Senior at …….High School, and doing great!
I attribute much of his success to the advancements he made as a result of the Zion Brain Training program. Every semester his report cards get better and better, and he has found his drive and passion in Film and TV production. His favorite classes are English and Multimedia, and he would love to be a screenwriter or film editor. He has his sights set on Chapman University or UCLA, but plans on attending ……. College in the Fall, and then transferring over to one of those schools his Junior year to save on costs.
I've attached his latest report card, but to summarize, he got all A's and one B+. Not bad for a kid who was previously failing, and had no desire for any higher education past high school. He is now excited for his future, as we are too!
Thank you again!
I’ve struggled since I was little with many subjects, once I hit high school my grades started to drop and I was so lost in what I was learning. When I started Zion, I didn’t
know what to expect of it, now that I’m done I have noticed all the improvement in my focusing skills to my memory. I feel it’s easier now for me and I’m not as confused. In the beginning, the exercises I was doing didn’t seem like much help, but now I know they have made me stronger. Not only that but feeling super comfortable around my trainer (Nancy)and building a strong connection with her made it better as well. I always had fun and looked forward to going. I’m so happy I did it and I think if someone felt like me, I highly recommend it.
Hannah (16yrs)
Hi Nancy,
I hope you are doing well. I am sending you an announcement for Owen’s graduation. I just want you to know what an important part of this special day you are. I am so grateful to have you in Owen’s life. You are so special to us and made a huge impact.
Lori C.
When we came across Zion Brain Training, our son, at 16 was having several learning/focus issues. We felt helpless as this was new to us. Nancy immediately assessed him and began the training. Over the course of the 12 weeks our son has improved his attention, focus and needs fewer reminders. He as increased confidence and a sense of responsibility. Nancy is a dedicated attentive teacher and coach. She cares about her students. She is prompt and professional. Our family has been blessed!!!
Melissa F.
Nancy has been an absolute blessing to us! My son Vincent suffers from anxiety disorder and has been treated with medication for years. But there was one thing missing from his treatment and that was brain training! In the few short months that Nancy has been working with my son, he has grown by leaps and bounds and is now able to focus!!! As well as control his obsessive thoughts much better.
I thank God for Nancy. We both do. I recommend her to anyone who needs help with their thought life and self control.
Rachel L
My son has struggled in school since he was in Kindergarten, and so began our quest to help him. We worked with the school and had him tested, but he didn't qualify for special education. We tried outside help including tutoring, EEG Neurofeedback and Interactive Metronome programs which were all supposed to help him with his focus and auditory processing issues. None of it really made a considerable difference and it ended up being a waste of time and money. Fast forward to middle school and he was finally given a 504 plan and was put in intervention courses to give him extra help in 6th and 7th grade. Unfortunately, by 8th grade he was put in mainstream classes with a full academic schedule and he started becoming overstressed, depressed and began failing courses despite his diligent efforts. I discovered Zion Brain Training from a flier at a Jamba Juice, visited the website and became intrigued. I emailed Nancy and she responded right away and set up a consultation. My son was very reluctant to go since we had already tried so many other methods without success. Nancy tested my son and it was clear that he had focus, comprehension and auditory processing issues which PACE claimed could help him. We began the intensive 12 week program and within a month we saw results. I noticed he was becoming a better listener and was much more communicative. Within 7 weeks, we saw a dramatic change in his grades. At the beginning of the program, he was getting a D- in English and an F in History. By the end of the semester, he attained a C+ in English and a B- in History! Unfortunately, we had to stop the program prematurely due to summer scheduling conflicts, but I could only imagine how much more progress he would have made had he finished. When Nancy tested him for a post program evaluation, we couldn't believe how much he had improved in all areas, it was outstanding! I truly believe Nancy saved my son both academically and emotionally, and we are so thankful to have discovered Zion Brain Training. Thank you Nancy!
Annie and Devin

We started the program when Sam was just entering 1st grade and he definitely needed a lot of help not only academically but also psychologically, constant reassurance of him being able to get through difficult moments was definitely a part of the daily routine. But, thanks to Zion Brain Training, Sam shows improved results at school, at home and as a person. He is more confident!
Thank you so much!
Kaity S.
My son who has both extreme ADHD and a speech and language problem has been attending Zion Brain Training with Nancy for three weeks. In this short time we have already noticed a huge positive impact. My 9 year old son who barely would answer a question previously will now hardly stop talking. He is much calmer and is responding to requests on the first or second attempt, without us having to repeat and repeat the same requests. At Thanksgiving dinner friends and family all commented on how well behaved he was, a noticeable improvement from the past.
In addition to the improvements, Nancy herself has been a joy to work with. She takes the time each and every day to update me on what has transpired that day with son. She is very caring and positive. My son adores her and is benefiting with so much positive one and one attention.
Sarah P. (after 3 weeks)
We came to Zion Brain Training to get help with delayed speech in my 9 yr. old son, severe impulse control issues and difficulty at home following directions. After just two weeks we saw immediate improvement with our son’s speech. He started telling me about his day, something that he had never been able to do. As time progressed the ability to communicate continued to increase. Increased communication alone would have completely sold me on the program, as traditional speech therapy from age 16 month’s onwards had shown little improvement for my son. However, after about a month we saw other huge changes as well. Levi was calmer at home and began following direction. He would get dressed for school after one prompt, not twenty. Our mornings were calmer as well as evenings. One evening Levi took out his homework and completed it without no prompting or help. He had never don this to the point that we asked the school not to send homework. Soon after that I could take Levi to the grocery store. He stayed with me and even helped me shop. In 9 years all I ever had was a child would run screaming down the aisles. After 3 months my child is more communicative at home and at school. He is able to initiate conversations with adults and peers, something he was unable to do previously. He is calmer, more focused and much more able to multi-task. Levi can be playing his favorite video game and when I ask him to stop, he responds immediately turning off the game and attending to whatever task I asked. Previously he would scream, yell, hit or simply ignore the request. In short I have a new child. He might always have ADHD, but he is able to function at such a higher level, it is hard to believe it happened in only 3 months!
Sarah P. ( after 3 months)
I am a CEO with a Masters degree. However, after being in the Zion Brain Training program intensively for three months, I have seen significant improvements in my memory and processing speeds. Seeing these changes has likewise boosted my confidence. In addition, even after the program, I continue to use the new memory techniques and cognitive activities to improve my brain's function allowing me to learn faster. I really appreciate Nancy Lira, she has an amazing program that changes lives!"
Amy T.
I reached out to Nancy immediately after meeting with my daughter’s school staff. My daughter had been failing tests in her RTI group. Her Lexile score decreased three times this school year. After just a few weeks of training with Nancy, her scores went up for the first time. It fascinates me that the school had no idea or answers for me on why my daughter was failing all her test related to reading comprehension. Nancy’s work with her thus far has been fantastic for her attitude, confidence and to give her an edge in school. Thank you Nancy !
Stacy G.
Nancy, Thank you so much for all your work with Kevin. Your help has been invaluable and I know that he has made definite and noticeable improvement in the time he has worked with you. It is hard to imagine that a couple of months ago he was getting an “F” in some of his classes and he raised his grades by the end of the semester. I know the focus and comprehension improvement he learned at Zion helped him in achieving that! Thank you again!
Caroline M.
The biggest improvement has been in confidence. He now believes he can get good grades. His grades have improved across the board. He is not spending all of his free time on homework. He now has time to do other activities too. I wish I would have found this sooner.
Sheryl P. (Educator)

I see that Sreeha has taken the program seriously and also has enjoyed her interactions with Nancy. I see that she has improved in her focus and able to remain attentive for a longer time than before. She has improved in the way she expresses herself in words and is able to respond more meaningfully to the questions asked than before. Her comprehension of reading has improved but there is still a long way to go in that area. She is able to follow instructions better than before. She has improved on getting ready for school with very little help and is able to make it to school on time. She talks more respectfully and listens to her elders better than before. She is more independent in doing her own chores better than before. Overall I am very happy with her progress, her academic independence has improved a lot too.
Sudha S.
The training that Joshua received was far more than a typical tutor. Nancy took the opportunity to get to know many aspects of Joshua and took the time to give him positive self-talk and affirmations that he can use for life. Joshua has worked hard over the months to improve many areas of learning but most importantly his self confidence and the ability to complete tasks, due to his ADHD and visual processing disabilities. Nancy showed that she truly cared about Joshua, and wanted to help, not just show improvement on paper. One example is helping him think about his actions and making good decisions. His meltdowns and angry outburst have almost disappeared completely. There’s been a direct impact on his grades too, as they have shown improvement. However, it is not just his grades, but his willingness to care about turning in his work. We currently have taken him off medication and his vitamins from Zion have seemed to give him the focus and energy needed for the day. We are very excited to see his behavior and improvement continue. We are very proud of Joshua and all he has accomplished at Zion! Thank you Nancy for helping Joshua not only improve academically, but most importantly with his attitude, respect and caring about his own success.
Dan and Pam S.
Dakota has made great strides in his ability to focus, stay on tasks and feeling good about learning. Nancy and the program at Zion have been the best choice we could have made to help Dakota reach not only his educational goals, but learn how to feel good about himself and find ways to overcome life’s challenges in a positive way.
Thank You!
Jennifer R.
At school people frequently complained that Trevor was not listening, he would get distracted and his attention would wander. Frequently it was also pointed out that Trevor would not seem to listen to a string of connected tasks. Some people described him as “just not trying.” However, as his mother I felt that there might be something off, something getting in his way. I believed he did try. I contacted Nancy and had Trevor assessed by her at Zion Brain Training Center. Trevor’s assessment showed a significant problem with auditory processing. This was the answer I was looking for! It seem to explain so much. Trevor began working with Nancy and the result was significant improvement in Trevor’s ability focus in class. He is also doing much better following multi step instructions. He is also improving in his ability to stick with activity even when it is hard, he is better at not giving up. Thank You Nancy!
Tracy W.
I reached out to Nancy when my son was having difficulties in math. Word problems were so challenging for him since reading comprehension had always been an area of weakness. We desperately needed help and Nancy suggested that we begin with supplements and then start brain training. I noticed changes in my son right away, he was more alert and was able to focus without my intervention. We began to see an improvement in test results as well. After two weeks the changes were evident. My son was focusing and understanding his lessons. He became more independent with his homework and was able to complete it in a timely manner. His test scores improved dramatically to A's and B's. He's alert and able to retain the information he learns, his memory and ability to focus have sharpened in ways that we can all see. Truly, Nancy's expertise and her nurturing way to administer the training converted our worry into a very positive experience. We are very happy to see our son developing to be an independent young boy who is now enjoying learning. Thank you so much Nancy!
Rosa M.
Prior to coming to Zion Brain Training Center my daughter could not talk, she would not make eye contact. She was hyper and would not listen to instruction. If you gave her a book she would throw it, it was very weird. I honestly thought there was no hope for her to live a normal life, it was very sad. Since the day we met Nancy at Zion Brain Training Center our lives changed. After taking the supplements Nancy recommended, Abigail is now talking, it is Amazing!! She is no longer hyper, she listens to instruction, gives eye contact and interacts with other kids. She is normal now and we are very happy. I believe God put Nancy in our lives to help our family, Thank you so much!
Yenenh A.
My 13yr old Daughter has P.D.D. NOS, which is a neurological disorder on the Autism spectrum. The Supplements and training program from Zion Brain Training Center have had a tremendous positive effect on our daughter’s life both at school and at home. She is so much more alert and focused, she has improved eye contact, social behavior and is more confident. Within the first 2 weeks of training my daughter's teachers were already noticing improvements by the 5th week she had gone up one grade level in reading!
Matt M.
Thanks Zion!
Nancy has the ability to quickly and accurately determine sources of a child's learning challenges. In the case of our son, this program is allowing him to work through issues one at a time until he masters an appropriate skill. Nancy's patience and encouraging manner continues to help our son gain confidence in his own abilities and greatly increase his self-esteem. We are very happy with the positive and encouraging program at Zion!
Heather R.
I absolutely love Nancy's ability to engage my son in all the drills. Cristian has improved
in concentration and effort. I do believe that the program has the ability to increase mental capacity for children. I saw my son accomplish drills that I know he would not be able to begin to do or complete before this training. I do look forward to have the effects of the training transfer to the classroom. Nancy has a passion for children and has great desire to help them achieve their very best.
Patricia L.
Grigori became much more focused on finishing his homework on time. His focus is much better than it was 3-6 months before. He started to participate more in school discussion activities which is surprising to us because he has almost never done it before. His level of concentration has increased immensely during the course of the program. The program is very educational and stimulating on all levels. I highly recommend it to any parents who have kids with problems of focusing on tasks at hand.
Daniel G.
My 5 year old son just started kindergarten, he is very hyper and has issues focussing.
The first few weeks of school were a problem as he was constantly getting in trouble for his hyperactivity and lack of focus. At one point he was sent to the principals office due to his behavior and impulsivity. I reached out to Nancy and she recommended some supplements for my son. Within 2 days, the teacher noticed a huge difference. She said that my son is no longer hyperactive and he is focussed in class. Since taking the supplements he has had great and even “superb days,” according to his teacher. We could not be happier!! Thank you Nancy for all your help!!
Grace M.
Aiden's confidence has improved and he has marked improvement with memory and attention. At home, he is able to get out the door with everything most days where as in the past most days at least 2 or 3 things were forgotten. At school, he seems more relaxed and able to concentrate longer and with more attention. His general mood seems better and he himself claims the the program has helped him improve his memory and attention. We are looking forward to other benefits that will surely come as time passes.
Cristin B. (Professor)
Morgan is in 2nd grade at Challenger School in San Jose. I became concerned when I got called for the second time by his teacher regarding behavior in the classroom. He was having problems focusing and paying attention to the teacher during lectures and thus affecting his grades. He is very competitive in a way that he likes to be the first with everything. However, because he was not focused he was making mistakes with his tests. I called Nancy at Zion Brain Training Center for an assessment and Morgan started training in February 2014. After a few weeks of training I could see the difference in his focus and his attention span improve. Just last week, he brought home his test papers and all his test results were over 95%. He said, “ This is the happiest day of my life, I think the training has helped me a lot”. Thanks to Nancy at Zion Brain Training Center.
Melinda S.
We are very satisfied to see the positive changes in our son's approach to learning, after and even during his training at Zion Brain Training Center. He would recall things with more ease, and achieve more concentration when doing his homework. My son also sees the improvement in himself and as a result gains more confidence in accomplishing different tasks. We are very thankful for Zion Brain Training Center. Thank you Nancy for your care and your heart to see Brian improve.
David M.
My 9 year old son is currently in 3rd grade. He had difficulty focusing with homework. His reading comprehension scores were always low and it would take him so long to complete his projects and assignments. I reached out for help to Zion Brain training, Nancy recommended that we begin with supplements and so we did. One week after taking the supplements I began to notice dramatic changes; he was doing his homework on his own and was motivated to finish without me having to push him. His reading scores have improved and his teacher began to notice a new confidence in him. I want to thank Zion Brain Training for bringing hope and a natural solution to our long awaited prayers.
Delia M.
My 5 year old son was hyperactive and had issues focusing in school. His teacher would tell us that he could not focus, he was easily distracted, continuously getting out of his seat and had to be prompted to participate in class. I reached out to Nancy at Zion Brain Training and she recommended I give my son Zion's Calming Magnesium. Both the teacher and I have seen a difference. At school he is now calm, participating in class, he stays in his seat and is focused! At home he is so excited about learning and wants to do homework everyday! I am so grateful, Thank you so much Nancy!
Maria U.
Since Stella started working with Nancy at Zion Brain Training Center, I noticed that she was becoming more responsible. She was taking her role as a big sister seriously by helping her younger siblings do their part when I asked them to. She was a better listener when I asked her to do things that I didn’t have to repeat the same things. I was very impressed by this and it surely alleviated some of the stress. She is also honest about things now, she wasn’t a terrible liar before but was afraid to get into trouble about not getting things done. So yes, there is a clear level of maturity that has taken place. She has also demonstrated remembering some things that she had trouble with before.
Veronica B.
As a college student, a good nights sleep is required to be able to perform your studies. Before I took the supplements from Zion BTC, I never had a good nights sleep. I would wake up in the morning feeling as though I never slept, and go to school that way. Concentrating in class became very difficult and paying attention in class became very hard. Now, after drinking these supplements, I get a full nights rest and wake up feeling refreshed. School has finally become bearable and I can participate fully in classes without dozing off.
Jared N.
My 9 yr old daughter had trouble focusing in School she was always getting low test scores and had low energy levels. She struggled with focusing and mental clarity. I started her on the Supplement program recommended for her at Zion BTC and to my amazement she went from low test scores of 60% to 100% over and over again! Thank You!!!!
Lorain M.
Our son began a supplement routine from Zion to overcome his A.D.D. symptoms. Within the first week he began to notice a difference. He said to my wife, " Mom, these vitamins are really working, I feel more focused and I remember what the teacher is saying now. I feel like a fog has been lifted." His grades have improved and so has his confidence.
Daniel L.